Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Alameda Brewing: Yellow Wolf Imperial IPA

For some reason I have been on an Imperial IPA kick....I have always loved them...but, there are some fine beers floating around the markets this year!
Alameda Brewing's "Yellow Wolf Imperial IPA" is a fantastic creation.
It is balanced all the way around with a more subtle hop flavor then I usually seek out....yet, it leaves the hops in your mouth finishing in a fantastic way. The malt is also balanced and allows the hops to pop - full flavour yet not over powering.
This brew has a complex citrus and tropical flavour. It brings to mind a fresh tangerine and almost faint mango. I only realized the tropical mango aspect after having my son smell the IPA and give me his first impression...and he was right on.
The carbonation is light and crisp and it has an ABV of 8.2%.  As of this posting I have been unable to locate the IBU information...But, I will update the blog when I can get hold of that. I guess I need to make a call!
Overall this brew is a huge FIVE STARS! - Seek it out and give it a try if you haven't done so already!

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