Friday, March 11, 2011

Leavenworth Biers: Whistling Pig Hefeweizen

Leavenworth Biers...brewed by Fish Brewing....has a brew called "Whistling Pig" which is an unfiltered "Hefeweizen" (wheat) beer. Not only is it a pretty sweet name but, it is a pretty good hef too.
According to the website "Whistle pigs are actually marmots. Small and furry, these high country critters sometimes communicate with an ear-piercing whistle that’s not soon forgotten. Marmots abound around Leavenworth. They seem especially at home north of town at Whistling Pig Meadow."

This beer is mild and refreshing with a mildly sweet fruity finish. I tried it without the traditional slab of lemon tossed in and it was still very enjoyable.
It also seems to have won the Bronze Medal in the American‐Style Wheat Beer category

at the 2010 Los Angeles International Commercial Beer Competition.
OK, that doesn't sound too exciting but, this beer is worth a try on a warm Spring day!!
The stats on this one report an IBU of 22 and an ABV of 5.4%.

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