Friday, November 6, 2009

Tug Boat Brewing Small In A Big Way!

Tug Boat Brewing is one of those places that make Portland great. For those of you who haven't ventured down to check it out yet it is a small brew pub downtown located at 711 SW Ankeny know...down a funny side street off Broadway...near Burnside...and around the corner from Mary's.
Don't bother thinking, "Hey, let's head there for lunch!" They have evening hours only...opening at 5:00 PM Mondays and 4:00 PM the rest of the week - closed Sundays!
The Tug Boat brewers pride themselves in brewing in the British tradition and being unfiltered!
What ever they are doing they are doing it right!
They seem to almost shun publicity...they avoid brew festivals...they website is basic....but, they are BIG in a small way!
I have been a fan for years....It is a friendly place...where you can always find a conversation and possibly even an artistic activity! I once found myself invited to cut a design and print a set of block print note became one of my fondest and off the wall memories!
I can tell you that you should make a point to try the Tug Boats brew...really...but, they always have guest taps too.

On another note the music is also top notch and seems to always be free (at least in my experience).
I have seen some fantastic jazz music and when my cohorts and I were there on a Tuesday night recently we had the pure pleasure of hearing a local band named "Sleepy Eyed Mule" who we were told are a regular Tuesday night feature. We tried to look them up and found nothing....but, they are fantastic!
It is a classic blue grass-country style band that knows how to play. Every member seemed to sing and they all played wonderfully....especially the fiddle player!

If you are able to amble downtown you should make a point to check this brewery out!


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